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Legal & Legionella Control Association
(LCA) Information.

Legal Obligations

We confirm we have explained to you your obligations under the Law in respect of legionella control. For further details of the relevant Law please see Standards and guidance.


To comply with the Law, Regulations and ACoP L8 the management must


  • identify and assess sources of risk

  • prepare a scheme for preventing or controlling the risk

  • appoint a competent person known as the responsible person

  • implement and manage precautions

  • review the control measures

  • keep records of the precautions implemented and will do so for each of the premises under our control


Legionella Control Association (LCA) Information

Ideally all appointed specialists should be Legionella Control Association (LCA) registered for the legionella control services supplied-which we are. Please see for the LCA’s latest Code of Conduct and evidence of our LCA registration for the legionella control services quoted for.


As part of our LCA membership we are required to inform you of a number of items of concern to the duty holder/legionella responsible person.



Whilst we are offering the services detailed in this quotation, the ultimate responsibility for managing legionella risks lies with the you. This includes the requirement for maintaining all records for the legionella control activities – as advised in ACoP L8 - on the system in a central location, ideally a logbook. You are responsible for maintaining the records, including any we issue to you as part of our works: legionella risk assessment - These records should be retained throughout the period they are current and for at least two years afterwards. Retain records of any monitoring inspection, test or check carried out, and the dates, for at least five years.

We maintain records of all our activates associated with your site(s) for a 5 year period. These are available to you for a 5 year period after completion of the works at your site(s).

Your primary contact for all matters is the quote signatory, the secondary is our offices. All contact details are as per the quotation.


For the specific legionella control services quoted please review the below:


Legionella Risk Assessment Service

It is the responsibility of the duty holder to:

  1. Ensure there is a Legionella risk assessment record that includes all systems where water is stored/used in any premises controlled by the duty holder, and that it is reviewed regularly to ensure it is valid and reassessed when required.

  2. Clearly define the scope of any required Legionella risk assessment.

  3. Make reasonable enquiries of proof of competence of the Legionella risk assessor.

  4. Schematic diagrams and asset registers should be available to inform and help the risk assessor.

  5. The findings of the legionella risk assessment including the required corrective actions and control measures should be implemented, or if implemented record as to why they were not.

  6. A written scheme of control should be produced and maintained and the output from the scheme of control should be recorded and used in any subsequent review of risk.

  7. Regular reviews of the effectiveness of Legionella control activities should be carried out to verify the written scheme of control remains adequate, if they are not review the legionella risk assessment.

  8. Have change management procedures and or regular review procedures to determine if the existing risk assessment is still valid, suitable, and sufficient. If it is not, then a reassessment of the risk is required.


Hot & cold water monitoring and inspection services

It is the responsibility of the duty holder/responsible person to:

  1. Have a legionella risk assessment, written scheme of control and schematic diagram in place which includes a programme of treatment, monitoring, and inspection (and may include legionella sampling) and make this available to us.

  2. Provide sufficient information to allow us to design an appropriate treatment programme, including a legionella sampling plan if appropriate.

  3. Make the systems available for the works, with safe access, and adequate notice to ourselves to schedule and execute the agreed work.

  4. Provide us with any information on known risks and safety requirements in the areas we will be working.

  5. Ensure the control scheme tasks you are responsible for are completed and recorded.

  6. Ensure any preparatory work you are responsible for is completed prior to us commencing our work.

  7. Participate in the agreed review process.


Cleaning & Disinfection Services

It is the responsibility of the duty holder/responsible person to:

  1. Maintain the entire system, and the water in it, in a clean condition and to facilitate inspection to determine if the system is clean or not.

  2. Make the systems available for the works, with safe access, and adequate notice to ourselves to schedule and execute the agreed work.

  3. Provide us with any information on known risks and safety requirements in the areas we will be working, and advise of any known deadlegs, redundant pipework requiring flushing as part of the disinfection process and the location of schematic diagrams for us to use.

  4. Ensure any preparatory work you are responsible for is completed prior to us commencing our work.

  5. Ensure any necessary trade effluent discharge consent is in place for effluent generated from the cleaning and disinfection process.

  6. Designate drains to use for wastewater from the cleaning & disinfection process and identify sensitive equipment on the system requiring isolation prior to the work.

  7. Solid waste is the responsibility of the client to dispose of, unless identified as otherwise in our method statement.


Legionella Analytical Services

It is the responsibility of the duty holder/responsible person to:

  1. Have a legionella risk assessment, written scheme of control and schematic diagram in place which includes a programme of treatment, monitoring, and inspection (and may include legionella sampling) and make this available to us.

  2. Provide sufficient information to allow us to design an appropriate treatment programme, including a legionella sampling plan if appropriate.

  3. Make the systems available for the works, with safe access, and adequate notice to ourselves to schedule and execute the agreed work.

  4. Provide us with any information on known risks and safety requirements in the areas we will be working.

  5. Ensure the control scheme tasks you are responsible for are completed and recorded.

  6. Ensure any preparatory work you are responsible for is completed prior to us commencing our work.

  7. Participate in the agreed review process.


Note: When taking legionella samples, we do not use composite samples, we will take 200ml or 1 litre samples (where the UKAS laboratory allows this), test for all legionella species, at a UKAS accredited laboratory with a minimum test limit of detection of 100cfu/L, pre-flush sampling is the default sample technique to comply with current British Standard guidance. Sample points and frequency of sampling is based on the information supplied and current HSE & British Standards guidance (including the legionella risk assessment and written scheme if supplied).


Plant & Equipment Services

It is the responsibility of the duty holder/responsible person to:

  1. Consider that any changes to the system may alter the Legionella risk and therefore require a review of risk assessment, associated control scheme and records.  This may result in:

  1. a reassessment of the legionella risk

  2. an update of the written scheme of control

  3. a revised schematic diagram

  4. a revision of the record keeping system

  1. Make appropriate notification under the requirements of the Plumbing Notification Laws.

  2. Ensure the necessary trade effluent discharge consent is in place for any effluent generated from any equipment installed.

  3. Ensure any preparatory work you are responsible for is completed prior to commencing plant and equipment work.

Ensure any equipment is installed, commissioned, operated, and maintained correctly.


For all services:

Please provide us with information regarding:

  1. Relevant site-specific requirements

  2. Safe access and egress to complete the work

  3. Induction procedures

  4. Access permits and permits to work

  5. Security and safety restrictions

  6. Who to report matters of significant concern to while we are undertaking the site work


We will:

  1. Undertake a preliminary task risk assessment before starting work

  2. Report by email as soon as possible after we have completed the works.

  3. Report matters of significant concern to your designated person while we are undertaking the site work

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